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The Shaka

The shaka is a hand gesture that can mean “relax,” “take it easy, man,” “thank you,” or “all good.”

It is done with one hand, fingers folded (except the thumb), and the pinkie raised.

The shaka is commonly associated with Hawaii or Tahiti, to the extent that it has become a symbol.

Highly prevalent in board sports, it has become a rallying sign, especially among surfers.

The Beach Break

Beach breaks are pebble or sandy beaches where waves break both to the left and right at different locations and can close quickly.

Every year, currents, storms, and other natural events move the sand, sometimes creating ephemeral sandbanks where high-quality waves form.

But these sandbanks shift, and the conditions can completely change from one week to another.

The advantage of this type of spot is that it allows beginners to have access to easier conditions because if they fall, they land on the sand and not on rocks.

The waves in beach breaks are less hollow than other types of waves, which makes it easier to learn to surf on these spots.